When aiming to achieve success, goal-setting is a very important part of the process.

Did you know there's a really smart way to set effective goals?


SMART-goals, invented by George T. Doran offers a 5-step framework for setting defined goals.


Step 1 | Specific

When setting up a goal, it's important to specify.


For example, if your goal is to become fitter, write your goals as:

I need to become fitter by gaining 10 kilograms of muscle.

I will become fitter by training 5 days a week on Monday until Friday in the gym and running 2 miles on my local hiking trail on Saturday and Sunday.



Step 2 | Measurable

Your goal should be measurable from start to finish.


For example,

I will add 1 kilogram of weight-lifting every time 20 reps have been executed successfully, and I shall run 1 extra mile every week.



Step 3 | Achievable

Make sure that the goal(s) you set up are within the realm of the achievable.

Setting unrealistic goals will only lead to disappointment. 


For example,

I will gradually improve my reps and don't make decisions that are not within reach.



Step 4 | Relevant

Whatever you try to achieve in life, everything should align with your values and what you stand for.

Failure to align your values will result in a loss of motivation and negative outcomes in your life that will prevent you from achieving true success. 


For example,

I value my health, so I shall set the goal to work on my body and nutrition.



Step 5 | Time-based

The final aspect of effective goals is applying deadlines.

Adding a time limit creates a sense of urgency and will motivate you throughout your process. 


For example,

I will have gained 10 kilograms of muscle within 8 months.



Let's get to work!


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