
The Goalstar is a method I personally developed to align the 5 components of success into 1 simple object.

Like a shooting star, if you have your goalstar figured out, you can turn your wish into a shining reality! 


How it works

First draw a star on a piece of paper, or download the free template from the Goals category.

Next, write the 5 components next to your star like the example.

Draw horizontal lines below every component.

Step 1 | Value

The top of the star is the most important one, this resembles the head beacon of your life.

Your value is what you love the most in life and thereby value the most.

Take a minute to think what your most important value is in life and fill it in on the line below.


Some examples of values;

  • drawing or painting
  • health
  • Music
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Development


My value is: development

Step 2 | Goal

The left side of the star is your personal goal written in short format.

Your goal should be somewhat aligned with your value and represent what you want to achieve in your life

Take a minute to think what your goal is and fill it in on the line below.


My value is: development

My goal is: personal development app

Step 3 | Time

The right side of the star is the time(span) it will take to achieve your goal written in short format.

The time should be realistically aligned with your goal.

Take a minute to think how long it would approximately take you to achieve your goal and fill it in on the line below.


My value is: development

My goal is: personal development network

My time: 2 years

Step 4 | Planning

The bottom left side of the star is the plan it will take to achieve your time(span) written in short format.

The plan should be realistically aligned with your time.

Take a minute to think what you would need to do in order to achieve the time(span) of your goal and  fill it in on the line below.


My value is: development

My goal is: personal development network

My time: 2 years

My plan: scale network daily

Step 5 | Tools

The bottom right side of the star are the tools you will need to achieve your plan written in short format.

Your tools should be realistically aligned with your plan.

Take a minute to think what you will need to achieve your plan and fill it in on the line below.


My value is: development

My goal is: personal development network

My time: 2 years

My plan: scale network daily

My tools: hardware, software, books


Time to create your own Goalstar !

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