GOSPA formula

Looking for a formula to create a definite plan for achieving wealth? Brian Tracy has the answer for you. His 5-step formula is the ideal blueprint for when you are starting out on your adventure of greatness. Let's see how the GOSPA formula works!

Step 1 | Goal

Set up a clear and defined goal. Write down your main goal in your notebook or put it down on your vision board. Adding pictures helps to amplify the attraction of opportunities to achieve your desired goal.

Step 2 | Objective

Find out what you need to do step-by-step in order to realize your goal. Set up a plan in follow-up order that serves as a roadmap throughout your process. Marking steps when reaching them helps to give a sense of achievement and motivates you along the way.  

Step 3 | Strategies

After knowing which steps you are going to take, you'll have to come up with strategies that best suit your plan. This will take time, and as you advance, new opportunities will arise to which you can adjust your strategy to achieve the best possible outcome. 

Step 4 | Priorities 

During the process of achieving your goal, you'll often have to prioritize tasks over each other. Doing this effectively will enhance your time management skills and add to the overall feeling of achievement, inducing motivation. 

Step 5 | Activities

After setting up all the previous steps, it all comes down to taking action. Making sure that you've set up your plan in a realistic manner helps to avoid overworking, failing at certain deadlines, and so on. Take action on a daily basis, follow your objectives using the correct strategy, all while keeping an eye on your priorities, and you are ready to achieve great things in your life. 

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