Reward System Technique

Why reward yourself

It has been proven in different studies that once you reward yourself after completing a task, you will be more motivated to handle the next task. That's why it's important to create a reward system for yourself to always keep going!


Luckily for you I will share my own reward system I have developed!

How it works

Step 1

Write down 3 tasks you need to do and split them up in 10,20,30 minutes.

For example,

10 minutes -> post socials

20 minutes -> create content

30 minutes -> write article

Step 2

Think of 2 ways you can reward yourself with something you like to do within 15 minutes.

For example,

15 minutes -> reading

15 minutes -> walk outside

Step 3

Do your 3 tasks to complete a full cycle of 10 + 20 + 30 minutes = 1 hour.


Once you have completed 1 full cycle, you can choose which 15 minutes of reward you want to do.




Once you have completed 2 full cycles, you can choose 30 minutes of rewards you want to do.

Now it's time to get to work!

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