Six Sigma Technique

Are you tired of your faults, waste, and inefficiencies?

Look no further than Bill Smith's revolutionary Six Sigma approach. Smith, named the "Father of Six Sigma," transformed the world of quality management.


The DMAIC framework of Six Sigma is an acronym for: (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) is the key to unlocking your process improvement potential and solving problems.

Let's say for example you need to do a certain task and a certain problem occurs.

Do the following,

Step 1: Define

The first step is to define what problem you're encountering.

This includes acquiring data, analyzing the requirements, and determining the scope of the issue. Defining the problem upfront ensures that your improvement efforts are focused and targeted, resulting in more successful solutions.


Tip: To define the problem, write it down on paper or create a mind map flowchart.


Step 2: Measure

Once you've defined the problem, you should assess your existing ability to tackle it.

This process entails gathering data of your skillset, defining critical-to-quality criteria, and choosing the input you are prepared to provide.


Tip: To measure yourself, write down your personal good and bad qualities on a piece of paper.


Step 3: Analyse

With the data of identifying and measurement , it's time to analyse the potential solutions of the problem and the solutions their impact.

Analyse  both the long and short-term implications of implementation.


Tip: Create for every solution a positive scenario and negative outcome scenario-script. It's always better to be prepared rather than poorly planned!


Step 4: Improve

With the insights gathered from data analysis, you can now concentrate on enhancing the selected solution.

This process involves developing and testing the solution, selecting the most successful one, and implementing it. 


Tip: Don't get distracted once you start to implement!


Step 5: Control

The final step is to control and monitor the gains made through the improvement process.

This involves establishing monitoring systems, standardizing the new process, and ensuring that the improvements are sustained over time.

By controlling the solution, you can prevent backsliding and ensure that the benefits of the improvement efforts are realized in the long term.


Tip: Give yourself honest feedback and keep a journal of the whole process.

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