ABCDE Method

On the road to completing your long-term or short-term goals, there will be a lot of tasks that will cross your path. 

This often makes it difficult to navigate and can get disorganized fairly quickly if you fail to keep an eagle's view. 


Brian Tracy developed a technique called the 'ABCDE-Method' that will help you prioritize the tasks at hand.


How ABCDE works:

Step 1 | Make a list 

Take a sheet of paper to write down your goal and the associated tasks that need to be completed. 

Step 2 | Find your A-tasks

Write an 'A' next to all tasks that are most important to do. These tasks need to be completed in order to achieve your goal.

Step 3 | Find your B-Tasks

Next, find the second most important task(s) in your list and write a 'B' next to them. 

Step 4 | Find your C-Tasks

Next, you should find tasks that would be good to do but have no consequences if you don't do them. Put a letter 'C' next to these task(s).

Step 5 | Find your D-Tasks

Write the letter 'D' next to tasks that you can delegate to someone else.

Step 6 | Find your E-Tasks

Write the letter 'E' next to the task(s) that you could eliminate from your list and won't make any difference in doing or not doing them.


If your just beginning  you'll come up with only a few tasks, but as you grow in your enterprise, the number of tasks will grow.
Making a habit of prioritizing will help you save a lot of time in the future

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