Loci Technique

Ever had the problem of looking for that one specific  book you want to study but can't quite figure out where you've put it? 

The Loci technique can be applied in 4 simple steps to develop yourself toward always remembering where you've put something.

This method stems from the Greek poet Simonides of Ceos.

Step 1 | Choose location

Start by selecting a room in your house that you know very well. The room should be the one you use to study, perform your work or place your work tools.

Step 2: Visualize item location

Assign the materials to specific locations within the room. For example, on your desk or on the shelves. Try to add logic, imagine yourself working and taking the objects to see if their can be a more logical place to put it.

Step 3 | Mental image visualization

When you place all the materials in the locations, remember vividly all the colors, textures, and shapes of the location mentally . 

Step 4 | Mental Walk

Mentally walk through the room while meditating and carefully remember the colors, textures, and shapes. 

Implementing this simple method in your day-to-day thinking will surely improve your memory skills.
This also saves you time and thus increases productivity. 

Stay productive and keep it Loci. 

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