Patrick Bet-David - Your Next Five Moves

Patrick Bet-David, also known as 'PBD ' motivates millions of entrepreneurs around the world. Known as a visionary entrepreneur and CEO of multiple companies Patrick believes; The future looks bright  


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Early Life

Patrick Bet-David was born on October 18, 1978, in Tehran, Iran.

At the age of 10, PBD and his parents fled Iran during the Iranian Revolution to a refugee camp in Germany. 

After spending over 1.5 years at the camp, the family went to the US were they granted U.S. citizenship.

Patrick attended high school and after graduating he joined the military serving in the 101st Airborne Division for six years


First jobs in finance

Patrick was honorably discharged from the military as he decided to start a career while working.

At the age of 21 Patrick got hired as a financial advisor for Morgan Stanley. Having little to none market experience, Patrick knew he had to be innovative in his approach competing with other advisors. After some years Patrick delved into the world of insurance working for Transamerica.


After several years of partying with no clear purpose in sight, Patrick believed he would need to get determined about working on his future. Doing so he started to attend several yearly business conferences while reading his way through classic self-development and financial business books.

With enough confidence in his early 30's PBD felt ready to build his own business as an insurance marketing organization,

the PHP agency.


Patrick with his father when he joined the military | Image is copyrighted and not owned by Thinkark in any way, no profit will be made from this article. Will remove upon request

PHP Agency 


In 2009 Patrick started the PHP agency. This business focuses on insurance sales, marketing and distribution.

Patrick managed to convince 66 insurance agents to join his unique enterprise. The PHP Agency specializes in online technology that is used to train and educate new agents. After attracting a lot of attention, the business model started to be replicated nationwide.

Currently the PHP business has approximately 30,000 agents and served more than half a million families through PHP.  

Learn more by clicking here



In 2013, Patrick started a YouTube channel called 'Valuetainment'. In the beginning, he focused largely on personal interviews, later on expanding the conversation with successful entrepreneurs of all sorts. 

PBD's channel really started to take off when he released the video 'The Life of an Entrepreneur in 90 Seconds'

The success of the video led to Patrick writing his first book, 'The Life of an Entrepreneur in 90 Pages'.

Currently, Valuetainment has more than 5,82 million subscribers, generated over a billion views, and has become an established brand. 

Learn more by clicking here



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"Everything you do will boil down to your next five moves;

Make the wrong ones, you'll lose |  Make the right ones, you'll win."

Patrick Bet-David



Your Next Five Moves


The second book Patrick wrote was 'Your Next Five Moves'.

The book was released in 2020 and quickly became the #1 Wall Street Journal best-seller. 


In 2023 Patrick wrote his third book, 'Choose Your Enemies Wisely', which also became a national bestseller.  


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Determined action

The way that Patrick Bet-David built his empire is a prime example of hard work, belief and determination.

Starting out as a refugee from a war-torn country, he later became a multimillion-dollar entrepreneur.

A clear set of goals and definite planning made Patrick able to brand himself and make Valuetainment the epicenter of modern entrepreneurship.


Patrick is an all round family man running several businesses while motivating others to do the same. 

May this story inspire you to find your goals in life and be determined to achieve them!


No matter what comes your way,  walk with determination and carry on!


"I've not found a single stock, real estate investment, gold or anything else that has given me higher returns than investing in myself."

Patrick Bet-David

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The links inside this story are NOT affiliate links, they are included in respect for the people discussed in this story. 

Thinkark is not profiting from this story!

This is written out of my uttermost respect for the Bet-David Family and the impact they made on my personal life! 

Feel free to share this story with family and friends 

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