Cliff Young: The running farmer

Cliff Young is a prime example of humble dedication.

There’s an inspiring story in the records of marathon history that challenges the conventional thinking of highly skilled athletes and well training regimens. It’s the story of Australian farmer Cliff Young, who became a legendary marathoner with pure willpower and an unconventional strategy.


Cliff was a 61-year-old potato farmer living with his 89 year old mom in Victoria, Australia. He enjoyed the warmth of his farm and the peaceful satisfaction of a hard day's work for many years. 

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Early morning rise


Every morning, to remain in good health, Cliff went running for 20 kilometres before settling down for breakfast. 

Cliff was happy with this simple life and didn't really miss the bustle of a busy outside world.


But everything changed when Cliff felt a sudden longing, brought on by a brief item in the neighbourhood newspaper. 

Little did he know his life was about to change when he came upon an article about the Sydney to Melbourne Ultramarathon.

The stories of tenacity and friendship hit something inside of Cliff, a desire to be a part of something more than his simple existence.


Cliff was hooked on the idea of a marathon because of its sense of camaraderie and common goal. Driven by an inexplicable desire for connection and the thrill of competition, Cliff decided to take on the challenge and step out of his comfort zone.


Without any funds to buy professional running gear, and with some second-hand shoes, Cliff went on competing the 6 day marathon.


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Cliff Young shuffle


It wasn't his skill in sports or his hard work regimen that made Cliff stand out, it was his distinct running style. 

A kind of shuffle that was uncommon amongst other participants. Cliff kept going at a steady pace, as if it was taking a long stroll while the other contestants ran ahead.


At first, Cliff was written about by the media and his fellow runners as an odd outsider, some even expressed doubts about his capacity to finish the marathon. 

They simply had no idea that under the modest exterior lied persistence that would completely change the way people thought about marathons.


As the first night fell, something remarkable happened.

While other runners opted for a strategy of running for 18 hours and resting for 6. This was not familiar to the unassuming farmer.


Cliff  believed the race was a simple run and he had no reason to stop regularly. This resulted that he rested for 1-2 hours every night and went on running for the rest of the day.


After the first day this was noticeable as Cliff managed to get ahead of its opponents in the race. 

And to everyone's astonishment this continued, as Cliff Young didn't just complete the race, he won it. 

In a stunning victory, Cliff not only outlasted the competition, but finished a staggering 10 hours ahead of the nearest contender.

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National hero


Cliff's victory swiftly brought him into the limelight, transforming him from a humble farmer into a national hero.


The media clamored to capture the essence of the man, and his story became a beacon of inspiration for countless individuals. Yet, as the accolades poured in, it became clear that Cliff Young's heart was as extraordinary as his feet.


In a surprising twist, the organizers presented Cliff with a grand prize of $10,000, a substantial sum that could have changed the course of his modest life. However, true to the character that endeared him to the world, Cliff made a decision that echoed the values of humility and camaraderie.


Instead of keeping the substantial prize for himself, Cliff Young, with a smile as genuine as his running style, chose to distribute the entire sum among the fellow competitors.


His reasoning was simple yet profound, these athletes, who had given their all in pursuit of a shared goal, deserved to be acknowledged for their efforts.

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As Cliff returned to his quiet farm in Beech Forest, he left a legacy that extended far beyond the finish line. 

His story became a testament to the idea that, in the marathon of life, the most enduring victories are those that are shared.


Cliff Young's story teaches us with the right amount of resilience and determination, one can achieve anything. 

And the greatest prize in life is not money or a golden trophy, but being able to be generous towards others.


Cliff died of cancer at the age of 81 on 2 November 2003 at his home in Queensland. 

A memorial in the shape of a boot in Beech Forest is dedicated to Young and the Cliff Young Drive and Cliff Young Park there are also named after him.


If you would like to learn more about Cliff Young, I recommend you to watch the documentary on Youtube. 

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This is written out of my uttermost respect for the Young Family and the impact they made on my personal life! 

Feel free to share this story with family and friends 

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