Brian Tracy mastering everything you do

Brian Tracy is one of the world’s most famous speakers in the world of personal development.


This story is dedicated to the challenges Brian faced during his lifetime and how he conquered them by becoming an expert in everything Brian sets his mind to.

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Early life


Brian was born in Vancouver, Canada on January 5th 1944 during the Second World War.

The family wasn’t quite fortunate financially as Brian recalls to have often shared clothes and shoes with his other two brothers to save up within the family.


The family moved out to California when Brian was only a few years old and eventually moved back to Canada when he was 16 years old.


In British Columbia Brian attended high school and eventually dropped out because of an everlasting hunger for success and adventure.

In search of this success, Brian worked different labouring jobs to save up some money to take a trip around the world.



Travel around the world


When Brian saved up enough of his money, he decided to buy a cheap car and drove it to North America. 

Once arrived in North-America, Brian took a ship to England. 

This is where Brian’s worldly adventure started out, which would eventually last over 8 years.


Brian went from England to France and cycled around to Spain and Gibraltar.

Meanwhile, he worked different jobs to get around and buy himself food and rent for the next day.

Time's were tough and uncertain because Sometimes he was even forced to sleep on the ground or in rented cars when the money was low.

But as Brian recalls it himself,

The future belongs to the risk-takers. - Brian Tracy



After years of hiking and biking, Brian decided to seek the ultimate adventure and crossed the famous Sahara Desert with a group of travellers.

This experience showed Brian how easily one can face a near-death experience and how to handle such adversity.


Getting back on track


After the period of 8 years Brian got back to Canada and tried working in different sales jobs to learn how to make more money. 

He often struggled the first year with almost make second to none sales. But his determination he learned from all the experiences in the past 8 years couldn’t stop him. 

Brian decided he would need to analyse how some people in the same job were making more sales than him, and so he went to ask them how they did. 


This is where he met the art of selling and decided to master it himself.


He learned from the top sales people which books to read and how to find customers and convince them to buy the product. 


After mastering the art of selling, Brian started to become one of the top salespeople himself.


But this wasn't enough for Brian, as he motivated himself to go into a more difficult sales management job.


Reinvent yourself!


After getting a job in sales management, Brian was again making second-to-none progress.

And so he did the same as he did last time and asked the top sales managers how they got successful at their craft.


They explained to him what books to read, courses to take, programs to listen to and which moves to make. 


Brian did all that and mastered it again to perfection.


After one year, Brian became one of the top sales managers at the company.


But this was merely the beginning. Brian said to himself; 

What if I apply this to every success creation skill out there?


And so Brian got into real estate, business theory, marketing, and all kinds of industries. 


Just to show you the diversity of Brian’s expertise:

He even got a black belt in Shotokan Karate!


After a short while, his skill of continuous learning and mastery quickly became noticed, and he was offered the chief operations function for a

$265 million company.

Sharing his success


Brian achieved a lot of his goals during his career but he remained to wonder; 

How do I share this success I achieved with the rest of the world?


And so Brian decided to pursue a career as a motivational speaker and writer all around the world.


This resulted in speaking at around + 5000 seminars and over 

+ 70 books until this day!

Brian recorded over + 300 audio and video programs with over + 40 years of shared experiences into the business of becoming successful. 


I guess you can say, Brian also mastered being a motivational speaker and writer!


No one did it better in numbers, Brian still is an absolute master at his craft.


In total he worked in over 107 countries on six different continents and speaks 4 different languages.


It's calculated he consulted over a +1000  companies and contacted over 5 million people.

Brian today


Brian is still president of 3 different companies, including 

Brian Tracy International.

He’s still active in making motivational videos and writing new books that he frequently promotes on social media.


Brian is happily married with 4 children and grandchildren.

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I highly recommend watching Brian Tracy's seminars on YouTube to get to know his story even better. 


You can start by watching this clip I've made about his famous seven rules of success!


The links inside this story are NOT affiliate links, they are included in respect for the people discussed in this story. 

Thinkark is not profiting from this story!

This is written out of my uttermost respect for the Tracy Family and the impact they made on my personal life! 

Feel free to share this story with family and friends 

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