Article: Importance of goals

If you can clearly define a target, you will most likely hit it! 

But you can't hit a target if you don't know what you're aiming for! 

That's the main reason why setting goals is so important within the journey of personal development and achieving success. 


In this article, we will delve a little deeper into the importance of setting goals.

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What are goals?


To define it, a goal is like the finishing line of the race you choose to participate in.

Does that make sense? 

To give it to you in a literal definition, goals are the objects of a person's ambitions or efforts; an aim or desired result.

Why have goals?


Goals will guide you in a clear direction and guide you on how to make a step-by-step plan for achieving your desired result.

They're kind of like a compass that will constantly remind you if you're headed toward the right direction. 


It's important to always stay motivated while you want to improve something about your life, that's why goals are crucial!


Real motivation occurs when you start making progress yourself, aka. achieving your goals! 

Without desired goals, what would be your purpose?


Maybe you haven't set goals on paper or have them in your mind right now, but I'll assure you, if you realize it or not, everyone sets goals all the time!


Goals can be big or small, even having the thought of walking your dog when you get home from work, or cooking your favourite dinner once you get home is an actual goal. 


Once you set your mind to it, and actively seek to complete it, it's an actual goal achieved! 


Big and small goals?




Also referred to as long-term and short-term goals.


Long-term goals

These are the goals you won't achieve in a few days after thinking of them.

See these as the result of years of dedication and goals that will leave a long lasting impact on your future. 

For example, being financially independent, publishing a best-selling book, inspiring millions of people, traveling the world,...


Short-term goals

These are the goals you may be able to achieve within a few days, weeks, or months and will have a significantly smaller impact on your future than long-term goals.


However, these goals are often important and necessary in between the steps toward achieving your long-term goals.


For example, saving up a certain amount, finishing first novel, 100K subscribers on Youtube, and visiting 4 different countries this year.


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How to set goals?

There are a lot of different methods and techniques for setting goals, here I'll share some that I use myself! 


Value to purpose

To clearly define and know what you're goals are, you first need to know what you want to do with your life. 

If you don't already have a clear idea of what you want to do in your life,

ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why am I here?
  • What are my unique talents?
  • What have I done in the past that I've most enjoyed?
  • What is easy to me but may be difficult to others?
  • What subjects did I learn quickly in school?
  • What interests me the most?
  • What do I like to read about?
  • What do I like to talk about?
  • What do I like to learn about? 


After answering all these questions, you can probably get some sort of an idea what you would like to be and do. 

Now we can move on to setting goals that are aligned with your vision and mission.


For example, If you want to be an engineer.

Why not set a goal to build a revolutionary machine that will change the industry? 


For example, If you want to be a teacher.

Why not set a goal to teach a university class at the highest level of education and that way achieve a reward for teacher of the year? 


Or, why not set a goal to start your own school? 


The possibilities are endless if you are willing to dedicate yourself as much as you possibly can!




SMART is an acronym for, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely

Created by George T. Doran in 1981

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SMART is a great way to get your goals structured and realistically scaled to their achievability. 


How to SMART explained: 


  • Specific: Get really specific about what the goal is in full detail and write it in clear, concise language on a piece of paper.


  • Measurable: Make sure the goal has an objective measurement that even a 6 year old can understand.


  • Achievable: The goal should be challenging, but also achievable, don't plan to take over the universe in a DIY self made hovercraft,...


  • Realistic: Make sure the goal is relevant and realistic to your values. 


  • Time-bound: It's really important to have a deadline on your goal! That way it will keep you going and make you avoid procrastination.




This method is something I've learned from business philosopher Jim Rohn.


Jim explained that you should have your short- and long-term goals organized on a list for the best memorization.


How to 1-3-5-10:


  • Step 1: Pick a sheet of paper and write down all the goals you wish to achieve in your life, long- and short-term, without regard of order. 


  • Step 2: When done, circle all the goals you think you could achieve within 1 year and write the number 1 next to it.


  • Step 3: When done, circle all the goals you think you could achieve within 3 years and write the number 3 next to it.


  • Step 4: When done, circle all the goals you think you could achieve within 5 years and write the number 5 next to it.


  • Step 5: When done, circle all the goals you think you could achieve within 10 years and write the number 10 next to it.


  • Step 6: Now pick another sheet of paper and write all your 1 year goals on it, these are the ones you should focus on first, once completed, you can start with your 3 year list and so on...


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Get going!


It's time for you to get to work and start writing down your goals!

I truly hope this article was somewhat helpful and insightful.

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