Article: Problem = Opportunity

The secret all successful people know about is, every problem holds an equal or greater opportunity!

Recognize that problems exist, but never acknowledge their impact above the good that can flow out of them.

In today's day and age, everyone is obsessed with mindset, but tend to only believe in it's power until a problem shows up.


But what if?


Excuses will lead you nowhere!


This might seem controversial... But bear with me! 

I already hear you thinking, but what if....


What if my house burned down and now I have nothing left? 

  • Now you have the opportunity to build back stronger, chase a job that will make you more money to buy or build yourself a better and more beautiful home.


What if someone I love died?

  • Now you have the opportunity to learn to let go and build character.


What if the government is corrupt and holding me back from building my dream life?

  • Now you have the opportunity to work toward moving out to somewhere safer and better.



What if problems keep occurring to me?


If the road gets hard, you might be on track to a breakthrough to success. = Opportunity to continue forward.

If the road gets harder and shows no signs of improvement, you might be on the wrong road! = Opportunity to change your path.


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Ask for another perspective


To truly see problems as opportunities, one must engage in proactive participation and deliberate action in addition to maintaining an optimistic outlook.


Challenges require us to engage with curiosity, inventiveness, and resolve rather than passively responding to them.


Problems are inevitable


There isn't such a thing as worry free life!


Even a king faces the problem of having everyone in the kingdom admire him.


Problems will differ from rich to poor, but they always present themselves!


Sooner or later problems will occur, so what do you do?

Hide or face them


Do you want to grow?

You better face them! 


No more time to lose! 

Problems are opportunities!


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