Johari window

This technique was created to help you better understand your relationship with yourself and others.

The Johari window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham, who were psychologists, in 1955.


Johari is an abbreviation derived from the first letters of their name

Joseph Luft Harrington Ingham

How to 

Step 1: Draw

Draw a square divided equally into four smaller squares.

Step 2: Name

Name the four squares according to the four personality areas.

Step 3: Fill in

Write down personality traits that align with the four personality areas:


Open area: Here you write all the things you know about yourself and are commonly known by others.


Blind spot: Here you write all the things that you weren't aware of until someone else or a group of people told you. 


Hidden area: Here you write all the things you know about yourself but others don't know.


Unknown: Here you write all the things you and others didn't know but revealed themselves over time.


It's important to note that the blind spot and unknown area can and will be discovered with time.

Personality traits that find their place here are often discovered in the progress of self-development and interaction.


Step 4: Evaluate 


As your insight grows and you focus on the traits you already have filled in, new personality traits will come to light.

This can happen through peer interaction or self-reflection. From time to time, come back to your personal Johari window and reassess the traits you filled in. 


When venturing on your journey towards personal development, the Johari Window can serve as an excellent reflection tool. 

Use johari whenever you're facing times of uncertainty or if you are just starting on your journey. Keep your Johari window(s) in a place that's easily accessible, so you can quickly look back at it whenever this seems necessary. 


Open the window to your own inner personality.

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