
Published on 19 May 2024 at 22:36

Kanban meaning 'Signboard'  is a visual system utilised  to keep track of work as it moves through a cycle.


The roots of the Kanban first started developing during the early days of Toyota (late 1940's).


Invented by Taiichi Onho to reduce cost and manage machine utilisation .


Step 1: Choose a medium


This can either be done by means of a physical whiteboard or digitally through the use of software like Sheets or Excel. 


The physical board is best placed in a central spot of your working space.


Step 2: Visualise workflow


Identify and define the different tasks within your workflow.


When you have consensus and are sure you aren't missing any tasks, put them on the whiteboard or spreadsheet, each task should have a designated column. 


Use concise and clear descriptions to avoid misunderstandings within your team.


Step 3: Standardise


Decide which stages to integrate within your workflow.


The most commonly used are, To do, In progress, Finished.


Each stage should have it's own color code, simple and understandable is key here. 



For example:


Orange = To Do 

Red = In Progress

Green = Finished


Step 4:  Work in Progress limits (WIP)


This implies choosing a maximum amount of task within a step of the workflow.


Setting up WIP's (Work In Progress) helps to maintain a steady workflow and avoid overburdening. 



1. Optimize time management


Kanban provides insight on how long it takes to complete a task and when the next step in the work low starts.


When the amount of time for a specific task is specified, you can more easily predict when a task will be completed.



2. Avoid bottlenecks


Places where workflow gets disrupted are called bottlenecks. Kanban easily lets you identify steps where work gets piled up.


These are usually solved by making small modifications to the previous step in the workflow. 



3. Positive feedback loop


Through the use of Kanban you gather information, that you can analyse and then implement changes on the get-go.

This cycle repeats itself throughout the whole process of using Kanban, resulting in a positive feedback loop.



4. Continuous delivery (CD)


Optimising the workflow within your company results in continuous delivery of goods and services to your customers or audience. 



5. Improve collaboration


Kanban encourages better teamwork within different type of businesses.


Different tasks within the workflow providing a clear understanding that each task depends on the other.


Creating a natural respect for the other co-worker Kanban is a great intermediary.


The Kanban board becomes a central object in the workspace and connects co-workers in a productive manner. 



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