Consistency VS occasionally

Published on 23 February 2025 at 16:21

Procrastination is the assassination of all destination.

Yesterday, you said tomorrow.

Tomorrow, you'll say next week.

Next week, you'll say next month.


The cycle goes on until you start doing it TODAY. 


There nothing more painful than knowing you have potential and are willingly failing to live up to it.

Comfort kills consistency.

Doubt kills consistency.

Fear kills consistency.


Now let's read that again from right to left.


Consistency kills fear

Consistency kills doubt

Consistency kills comfort

You see, in life you have two kind of people:


The ones who shrink their dreams to fit into their comfort zone.


The ones who stretch their comfort zone to fit into their dreams.



What type of person are you?

Consistency is key


One month of consistency will change your year.


One year of consistency will change your life.


One decade of consistency will change your legacy.


One lifetime of consistency will change the world.


Studies have shown that over 80% of people never take action on their goals because they're waiting for the 'perfect' time or plan.


Let's be very clear.


There isn't such a thing as 'perfect'.


You either start or you don't.


All the rest is an excuse.


Excuses lead to nowhere.



The most successful people know this by heart.

They start, make mistakes, fail and get up again.

It's the ONLY WAY to success. 


No shortcuts.


No regrets.


Everything is a lesson.



How to be more consistent?


There isn't a 'magic formula' or 'method' to be more consistent. 


The only way to be more consistent is: 




You are always the answer to the problems you might face.


Therefore having a clear REASON and GOAL is crucial if you want to improve in any aspect of your life. 



How to know your reason and establish a goal?


Visit the free GoalStar guide








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