10 minutes to CHANGE YOUR LIFE

Published on 18 February 2025 at 14:52

Everyone has time to change their life.

Did you know the average person only reads a book a year?


If you would read 10 minutes consistently every day, you would have read 6 more books than the average person.


This is simply the power of consistency.


Let's break it down:


Average reading time for a 300-page book = 8.3 to 10 hours.

Daily reading time over 10 minutes every day = + 60 hours in 1 year.


This isn't about reading books


Reading 6 times more books than the average person won't guarantee instant success.


The real game-changer is embracing the mindset to what seems as small, often overlooked actions that others dismiss as insignificant.


Have you ever thought about what you could achieve if you dedicated just 10 minutes a day?


It might not seem like much, but over the course of a year it makes a huge difference.



Think about it


Most people dream of wealth, success, and making a meaningful impact on society.


But only a select few are truly prepared to shoulder the responsibilities that come with these aspirations. For many, the weight of such obligations proves to be overwhelming.


It's no surprise that 9 out of 10 lottery winners find themselves back at square one financially within just a year of their earnings.


If you're not willing to force yourself to do something 10 minutes a day, you probably won't be able to do a lot more than you're already doing...




Question for you


Next time your working on something you deem important, ask yourself:


Are you doing things consistently or occasionally? 



What type of person are you?

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